Statistics and meaning of name Pelouze

Usage: 1% firstname, 99% surname.
Pelouze first name was found 1 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Pelouze is used at least 77 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,France)
Name written with Chinese letters: 珀卢兹 (pinyin: pò lú zī)

Given names
Nicole Pelouze (3)
Claude Pelouze (2)
Joel Pelouze (2)
Christian Pelouze (1)
Sebastien Pelouze (1)
Corinne Pelouze (1)
Liliane Pelouze (1)
Johnny Pelouze (1)
Laura Pelouze (1)
Monique Pelouze (1)
Gisele Pelouze (1)
Anny Pelouze (1)
Catherine Pelouze (1)
Yves Pelouze (1)
Andre Pelouze (1)
Wilfrid Pelouze (1)
Jenny Pelouze (1)
Valery Pelouze (1)
David Pelouze (1)
Yolande Pelouze (1)
Audrey Pelouze (1)
Claudine Pelouze (1)
Andree Pelouze (1)
Alain Pelouze (1)
Fabien Pelouze (1)
Joelle Pelouze (1)
Denis Pelouze (1)
Eliane Pelouze (1)
Thierry Pelouze (1)
Pascal Pelouze (1)
Roger Pelouze (1)
Rene Pelouze (1)
Matthieu Pelouze (1)
Morgan Pelouze (1)
Armand Pelouze (1)

Surname Pelouze in France   Surname Pelouze in USA   

Pelouze reversed is Ezuolep
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Oulezep Peoleuz Eleozup Uelopze Eeplozu Ezeulop Zeupole Ozpeleu
Misspells: Pelouzea Pleouze Pelouez Pelozue

Rhymes: fuze gauze tells bells gels belles cells

Meaning of this name is unknown.

paspar4 says: pelouze = pel-louze (as grass) de lucia, lux, del luz, pel = small, tiny, very little, and louze = light ; also hair, that means "the grass of Earth", the very light of green.

This page has been visited from the following countries: France United States United Kingdom Russian Federation


Famous people: Louis Henri Pelouze

Writers: J. Pelouze

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