Statistics and meaning of name Penickova

We have no records about Penickova being used as firstname.
Surname Penickova is used at least 40 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Penickova
Given names
Jana Penickova (3)
Jaroslava Penickova (3)
Olga Penickova (3)
Anna Penickova (3)
Jarmila Penickova (3)
Renata Penickova (3)
Bozena Penickova (2)
Marie Penickova (2)
Hana Penickova (2)
Lea Penickova (2)
Eva Penickova (2)
Petra Penickova (1)
Zdenka Penickova (1)
Zuzana Penickova (1)
Lubica Penickova (1)
Vera Penickova (1)
Libuse Penickova (1)
Drahomira Penickova (1)
Irena Penickova (1)
Alena Penickova (1)
Julia Penickova (1)
Miloslava Penickova (1)

Penickova reversed is Avokcinep
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Pnacoikve Okavnipce Vcanopkie Onkevapci
Misspells: Penickovo Penyckova Penickoba Penjckova Peneckova Penickovaa Pneickova Penickoav Penickvoa

Rhymes: Tereshkova Akhmatova Casanova Moldova Navratilova Nova Pavlova pavlova nova supernova mimosa mucosa

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Czech Republic Germany Slovakia China


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