Statistics and meaning of name Peterhoff

We have no records about Peterhoff being used as firstname.
Surname Peterhoff is used at least 50 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 彼得霍夫 (pinyin: bǐ dé huò fū)

      Surname Peterhoff
Given names
Elisabeth Peterhoff (2)
Matthias Peterhoff (2)
Heinz Peterhoff (2)
Hubert Peterhoff (2)
Stefan Peterhoff (1)
Michaela Peterhoff (1)
Norbert Peterhoff (1)
Peter Peterhoff (1)
Willi Peterhoff (1)
Gabriella Peterhoff (1)
Carl Peterhoff (1)
Eha Peterhoff (1)
Urmas Peterhoff (1)
Marcus Peterhoff (1)
Lena Peterhoff (1)
Gisa Peterhoff (1)
Marga Peterhoff (1)
Daniela Peterhoff (1)
Edith Peterhoff (1)
Claus Peterhoff (1)
Birgit Peterhoff (1)
Bertram Peterhoff (1)
Elke Peterhoff (1)
Erich Peterhoff (1)
Arnold Peterhoff (1)
Ludwig Peterhoff (1)
Irene Peterhoff (1)
Gottfried Peterhoff (1)
Margarete Peterhoff (1)

Surname Peterhoff in Germany   Surname Peterhoff in USA   

Peterhoff reversed is Ffohretep
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Misspells: Petelhoff Peterrhoff Peterhoffa Pteerhoff Peterhfof

Rhymes: Kirchhoff Goff Hoff Karloff Rachmaninoff Sarnoff trough scoff doff cheesecloth redraws

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States Sweden Italy Thailand France United Kingdom Europe Norway


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