Statistics and meaning of name Pfitsch

We have no records about Pfitsch being used as firstname.
Surname Pfitsch is used at least 17 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Germany)

Given names
Norbert Pfitsch (2)
Helmut Pfitsch (1)
Lars Pfitsch (1)
Helga Pfitsch (1)
Wolfram Pfitsch (1)
Heinrich Pfitsch (1)
Armin Pfitsch (1)
Detlef Pfitsch (1)
Gudrun Pfitsch (1)
Alexandra Pfitsch (1)

Surname Pfitsch in Germany   Surname Pfitsch in USA   

Pfitsch reversed is Hcstifp
Name contains 7 letters - 14.29% vowels and 85.71% consonants.

Misspells: Pfitssch Pfytsch Pfjtsch Pfetsch Pfitscha Piftsch Pfitshc Pfitcsh

Rhymes: kitsch putsch Bosch Busch Kusch hitch which rich pitch switch

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Marcus Pfitsch says: Das Pfitscher Tal ist ein Hochtal in Südtirol. Dort gibt es auch die Gemeinde Pfitsch.

This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States Italy France Thailand Europe Austria


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