Statistics and meaning of name Pfusterschmid

We have no records about Pfusterschmid being used as firstname.
Surname Pfusterschmid is used at least 15 times in at least 1 countries. (Austria)

Given names
Maria Pfusterschmid (2)
Nikolaus Pfusterschmid (2)
Theresia Pfusterschmid (2)
Regine Pfusterschmid (1)
Sophie Pfusterschmid (1)
Johanna Pfusterschmid (1)
Michaela Pfusterschmid (1)
Ernst Pfusterschmid (1)
Gertraud Pfusterschmid (1)
Markus Pfusterschmid (1)
Alfred Pfusterschmid (1)

Surname Pfusterschmid in Austria   

Pfusterschmid reversed is Dimhcsretsufp
Name contains 13 letters - 23.08% vowels and 76.92% consonants.

Misspells: Pfustelschmid Pfusterrschmid Pfussterschmid Pfusterschmyd Pfusterschmjd Pfusterschmed Pfusterschmida Pufsterschmid Pfusterschmdi Pfusterschimd

Rhymes: Fatimid amid humid mid pyramid timid tumid comforted discomforted

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Austria Norway Germany Thailand

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