Statistics and meaning of name Phumudzo

Phumudzo first name was found 7 times in 3 different countries.
We didn't find anyone with surname Phumudzo.


Given name Phumudzo
Family names
Phumudzo Sikhwari (3)
Phumudzo Ndou (2)

Phumudzo reversed is Ozdumuhp
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Mpuhouzd Zumduhop Mdupuzoh Udhuzpom Dupmuzho
Misspells: Phumudzoa Puhmudzo Phumudoz Phumuzdo

Rhymes: ludo stucco mundo cerebro sono

Meaning of this name is unknown.

phumudzo says: i was born in 1990, I was named phumudzo as a result that I was born after my mother lost twins a year before I was born. I comforted her, and now she regard me as her first born.i am such a consolation to her.
Phumudzo says: Means consolation Tshivenda name prevalent amongst Vhavenda tribe of South Africa
Phumudzo balibali says: Born in South Africa

This page has been visited from the following countries: South Africa United States Europe United Kingdom Norway Thailand Netherlands Namibia Japan Germany Morocco Mauritius Canada

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Old Wiki
Name: Phumudzo
Gender: Unisex
Location: Africa
Language: African
Thematic: Unknown Thematic
Meaning: Phumudzo means comfort.
Comments: Phumudzo is a common name in Tshivenda, and it is usually given to kids who were born as a kind of a relief to the family. This can be a long waited child, or a child who has brought happines to the family. Most of the young boys who was born between 1979 and 1985 were nam,ed Phumudzo especilly in Thohoyandou and Makhado areas.

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