Statistics and meaning of name Piccott
We have no records about Piccott being used as firstname.
Surname Piccott is used at least 137 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Canada)
Given names
James Piccott (6) George Piccott (4) Bronzan Piccott (3) Arthur Piccott (3) Kirk Piccott (3) Freeman Piccott (3) Harriet Piccott (3) Roy Piccott (3) Neil Piccott (3) Jim Piccott (3) Denise Piccott (3) Nicole Piccott (3) Janice Piccott (3) Raymond Piccott (3) Garry Piccott (3) Bob Piccott (3) Renee Piccott (3) Wendy Piccott (2) Robert Piccott (1) Jeffrey Piccott (1) Gary Piccott (1) Cathy Piccott (1) Kevin Piccott (1) Eric Piccott (1) Crystal Piccott (1) Colin Piccott (1) Wesley Piccott (1) Della Piccott (1) Ruby Piccott (1) Arnold Piccott (1) Terry Piccott (1) Ashley Piccott (1) Garfield Piccott (1) Jobie Piccott (1) Glen Piccott (1) |
Piccott reversed is Ttoccip
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.
Misspells: Pyccott Pjccott Peccott Piccotta Pcicott Picctot
Rhymes: Alcott Prescott Scott boycott got caught plot forgot blot
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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