Statistics and meaning of name Pieptanaru
We have no records about Pieptanaru being used as firstname.
Surname Pieptanaru is used at least 31 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Ioan Pieptanaru (3) Tanta Pieptanaru (3) Vasile Pieptanaru (3) Ion Pieptanaru (2) Mihai Pieptanaru (2) Nicolae Pieptanaru (2) Gheorghe Pieptanaru (2) Eugenia Pieptanaru (2) Gavril Pieptanaru (2) Tatiana Pieptanaru (1) Niculae Pieptanaru (1) Maria Pieptanaru (1) Iuliana Pieptanaru (1) Elena Pieptanaru (1) Danut Pieptanaru (1) Gheorghita Pieptanaru (1) Cristache Pieptanaru (1) Luminita Pieptanaru (1) Marcel Pieptanaru (1) |
Pieptanaru reversed is Uranatpeip
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Pinpeatrua Raitupapen Aarneppitu
Misspells: Pieptonaru Pieptanalu Pieptanarru Pyeptanaru Pjeptanaru Peeptanaru Pieptanarua Peiptanaru Pieptanaur Pieptanrau
Rhymes: Amaru Subaru paripassu
Meaning of name Pieptanaru is: from the word 'pieptănar' = 'comb maker'; Pieptănaru
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Domains - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Pieptanaru Language: Romanian Meaning: from the word pieptănar = comb maker Comments: Pieptănaru |
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