Statistics and meaning of name Pilecky

We have no records about Pilecky being used as firstname.
Surname Pilecky is used at least 30 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Pilecky
Given names
Pavel Pilecky (3)
Zdenek Pilecky (3)
Miloslav Pilecky (2)
Jiri Pilecky (2)
Vaclav Pilecky (2)
Jaroslav Pilecky (1)
Vilem Pilecky (1)
Frantisek Pilecky (1)
Andreas Pilecky (1)
Gunter Pilecky (1)
Elisabeth Pilecky (1)
Bernhard Pilecky (1)
Harald Pilecky (1)
Karl Pilecky (1)
Michael Pilecky (1)
Inge Pilecky (1)
Angela Pilecky (1)

Surname Pilecky in Austria   

Pilecky reversed is Ykcelip
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Eclikyp Ecipykl Pielyck Cylepki Yiplekc Ykiclep Kycpeli Ekpylic
Misspells: Pylecky Pilecki Pjlecky Pelecky Pileckya Pliecky Pilecyk Pilekcy

Rhymes: Becky Jacky Kentucky Micky Ricky Rocky dressy preciously plenty immensely prairie

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Pavel Pilecký says: Jen v České republice je nás 127

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Austria Czech Republic Europe Australia Hungary


Writers: Adriana Pilecky-Dekajlo

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