Statistics and meaning of name Pinaas
We have no records about Pinaas being used as firstname.
Surname Pinaas is used at least 17 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Norway)
Given names
Ruth Pinaas (1) Ole Pinaas (1) Mette Pinaas (1) Simon Pinaas (1) Thor Pinaas (1) Wenche Pinaas (1) Vegar Pinaas (1) Linda Pinaas (1) Kristian Pinaas (1) Ingelill Pinaas (1) Hege Pinaas (1) Ingunn Pinaas (1) Irene Pinaas (1) Knut Pinaas (1) Kay Pinaas (1) Andreas Pinaas (1) |
Pinaas reversed is Saanip
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Ipansa Inaspa Panais Inpasa Pniasa
Misspells: Pinoas Pinaass Pynaas Pjnaas Penaas Pinaasa Pniaas Pinasa
Rhymes: Haas Kwanzaas baas mas was cause pas floes
Meaning of this name is unknown.
mafia says: What is piñatas plz more detail an pic of piñatas.
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