Statistics and meaning of name Pinders

We have no records about Pinders being used as firstname.
Surname Pinders is used at least 32 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 平德斯 (pinyin: píng dé sī)

      Surname Pinders
Given names
Bernhard Pinders (2)
Heinz Pinders (2)
Monika Pinders (1)
Molit Pinders (1)
Manuela Pinders (1)
Udo Pinders (1)
Wolfgang Pinders (1)
Viktor Pinders (1)
Johann Pinders (1)
Ingelore Pinders (1)
Andre Pinders (1)
Klauss Pinders (1)
Christine Pinders (1)
Helmut Pinders (1)
Maureen Pinders (1)
Ingrid Pinders (1)

Surname Pinders in Germany   Surname Pinders in USA   

Pinders reversed is Srednip
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Pindels Pinderrs Pinderss Pynders Pjnders Penders Pindersa Pniders Pindesr Pindres

Rhymes: Flanders Highlanders Icelanders Michiganders Netherlanders Sanders Saunders binders finders blinders minders grinders

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Turkey Iran Canada United Kingdom Spain Netherlands Australia Indonesia France Ireland India Saudi Arabia Egypt Serbia Italy Europe Brazil Bulgaria Belgium Lithuania


Famous people: Lucy Katherine Pinder, Herb ert Charles Pinder, Jordan Pinder, Demetrius Pinder, Robert Mitford Pinder, Kendal Nathaniel "Tiny" Pinder, Steven Pinder, Leslie Joyce Hall Pinder

Writers: Adrian Pinders

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