Statistics and meaning of name Pizay

We have no records about Pizay being used as firstname.
Surname Pizay is used at least 33 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,France)

Given names
Louis Pizay (3)
Gerard Pizay (3)
Jacky Pizay (2)
Jacqueline Pizay (2)
Michel Pizay (2)
Franck Pizay (2)
Jacques Pizay (1)
Jean Pizay (1)
Jerome Pizay (1)
Veronique Pizay (1)
Suzanne Pizay (1)
Maurice Pizay (1)
Laurent Pizay (1)
Hubert Pizay (1)
Christine Pizay (1)
Benoit Pizay (1)
Bernard Pizay (1)
Mickael Pizay (1)
Chantal Pizay (1)
Andre Pizay (1)
Christiane Pizay (1)
Armand Pizay (1)
Laure Pizay (1)
Guy Pizay (1)

Surname Pizay in France   

Pizay reversed is Yazip
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Pizya Iapyz Ayzip Ypiaz Piazy Yizap
Misspells: Pizoy Pyzay Pizai Pjzay Pezay Pizaya Pziay Pizya Piazy

Rhymes: delay essay dismay defray disarray

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France


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