Statistics and meaning of name Podrzycka
We have no records about Podrzycka being used as firstname.
Surname Podrzycka is used at least 31 times in at least 2 countries. (Poland,Belgium)
Given names
Maria Podrzycka (5) Teresa Podrzycka (3) Bogumila Podrzycka (2) Malgorzata Podrzycka (2) Alicja Podrzycka (2) Ewa Podrzycka (2) Bozena Podrzycka (2) Sylwia Podrzycka (1) Kornelia Podrzycka (1) Miroslawa Podrzycka (1) Wieslawa Podrzycka (1) Wanda Podrzycka (1) Filomena Podrzycka (1) Marianna Podrzycka (1) Jadwiga Podrzycka (1) Marta Podrzycka (1) Krystyna Podrzycka (1) Dorota Podrzycka (1) Henryka Podrzycka (1) |
Podrzycka reversed is Akcyzrdop
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Misspells: Podrzycko Podlzycka Podrrzycka Podrzicka Podrzyckaa Pdorzycka Podrzycak Podrzykca
Rhymes: Ericka nigga dicta flotilla chinchilla pitta
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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