Statistics and meaning of name Podymski
We have no records about Podymski being used as firstname.
Surname Podymski is used at least 23 times in at least 5 countries.
Given names
Krzysztof Podymski (2) Stanislaw Podymski (2) Jan Podymski (2) Henryk Podymski (1) Roman Podymski (1) Zbigniew Podymski (1) Dariusz Podymski (1) Casimir Podymski (1) Carole Podymski (1) Marie Podymski (1) Sylvester Podymski (1) Bruno Podymski (1) Jozef Podymski (1) Roland Podymski (1) |
Podymski reversed is Iksmydop
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.
Anagrams: Kdysmoip Kodisypm Kopdysim
Misspells: Podymsski Podymsky Podimski Podymskj Podymske Podymskia Pdoymski Podymsik Podymksi
Rhymes: Brzezinski Korzybski Malinowski Paderewski Polanski Pulaski Sierpinski dreamy steamy cheeky tsetse peaky
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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