Statistics and meaning of name Pommers

We have no records about Pommers being used as firstname.
Surname Pommers is used at least 28 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Pommers
Given names
Peteris Pommers (4)
Aldis Pommers (2)
Aleksandrs Pommers (2)
Juris Pommers (1)
Aivars Pommers (1)
Gunvrs Pommers (1)
Imants Pommers (1)
Valdis Pommers (1)
Alex Pommers (1)
Antonia Pommers (1)
Peter Pommers (1)
Aigars Pommers (1)
Victor Pommers (1)

Surname Pommers in USA   

Pommers reversed is Sremmop
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Pommels Pommerrs Pommerss Pommersa Pmomers Pommesr Pommres

Rhymes: Summers bummers dimmers drummers glimmers hammers jackhammers bombers dollars potters bothers jobbers

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Valdis Pommers says: Probably a version of the German Jewish name Pomerantz, derived from Pomoryanyets (person who lives by the sea shore), associated with German coastal area of Pomerania.
Valdis Pommers says: The original spelling was Pomers. The earliest known ancestor was Ansis Pomers, who lived in the early 18th Century in Prauliene, Latvia.
Valdis Pommers says: The female version of the name is Pommere. The German Jewish connection is not geneologigical or genetic. Last names of people bonded to the land were often assigned by German landowners with no family connection.

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