Statistics and meaning of name Popeanu

We have no records about Popeanu being used as firstname.
Surname Popeanu is used at least 62 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 波佩亚努 (pinyin: bō pèi yà nǔ)

Given names
Aurel Popeanu (4)
Alexandru Popeanu (3)
Mircea Popeanu (3)
Valentin Popeanu (3)
Eugenia Popeanu (2)
Eugen Popeanu (2)
Florin Popeanu (2)
Ovidiu Popeanu (2)
Gheorghe Popeanu (2)
Emil Popeanu (2)
George Popeanu (2)
Elisabeta Popeanu (2)
Cecilia Popeanu (2)
Catinca Popeanu (2)
Ana Popeanu (2)
Constantin Popeanu (2)
Elena Popeanu (2)
Dumitra Popeanu (2)
Sevastita Popeanu (1)
Visterica Popeanu (1)
Victoria Popeanu (1)
Stefana Popeanu (1)
Sebastian Popeanu (1)
Stelica Popeanu (1)
Valeria Popeanu (1)
Maria Popeanu (1)
Dumitru Popeanu (1)
Ernest Popeanu (1)
Cornel Popeanu (1)
Ionel Popeanu (1)
Madalina Popeanu (1)
Laurentiu Popeanu (1)
Mariana Popeanu (1)

Popeanu reversed is Unaepop
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Eaponup Poepuan Opuenap Aupepno Uoppena Unoapep Nuapepo Enpupoa
Misspells: Popeonu Popeanua Ppoeanu Popeaun Popenau

Rhymes: tliou bijou bijoux preview hsiu

Meaning of name Popeanu is: the same as [Popean]
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Old Wiki
Name: Popeanu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the same as Popean

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