Statistics and meaning of name Popinceanu

We have no records about Popinceanu being used as firstname.
Surname Popinceanu is used at least 22 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Netherlands)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 波平恰努 (pinyin: bō píng qià nǔ)

Given names
Horatiu Popinceanu (3)
Mihail Popinceanu (2)
Gheorghe Popinceanu (2)
Victoria Popinceanu (1)
Mioara Popinceanu (1)
Veronica Popinceanu (1)
Jeni Popinceanu (1)
Ioana Popinceanu (1)
Ana Popinceanu (1)
Gelu Popinceanu (1)
Horea Popinceanu (1)
Alexandru Popinceanu (1)
Ionel Popinceanu (1)

Popinceanu reversed is Unaecnipop
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Oanpipucne Inopecnuap Nconupaipe Caneppionu
Misspells: Popinceonu Popynceanu Popjnceanu Popenceanu Popinceanua Ppoinceanu Popinceaun Popincenau

Rhymes: jujitsu tissue jiujitsu continue shiatsu

Meaning of name Popinceanu is: from the word 'popincă' = 'species of agaric' plus the anthroponym suffix '-eanu'
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Old Wiki
Name: Popinceanu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the word popincă = species of agaric plus the anthroponym suffix -eanu

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