Statistics and meaning of name Popirda
We have no records about Popirda being used as firstname.
Surname Popirda is used at least 46 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Italy)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Constantin Popirda (4) Mihaela Popirda (4) Elena Popirda (4) Liliana Popirda (4) Gheorghe Popirda (3) Maria Popirda (3) Ernest Popirda (2) Vasile Popirda (2) Viorel Popirda (2) Dumitru Popirda (2) Costel Popirda (2) Marcel Popirda (2) Emilia Popirda (2) Dorel Popirda (2) Vergina Popirda (1) Ioan Popirda (1) Radu Popirda (1) Mihai Popirda (1) Tatiana Popirda (1) |
Popirda reversed is Adripop
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Irpodap Iropadp Poipard Rapipdo Aoppidr Adorpip Darpipo Idpapor
Misspells: Popirdo Popilda Popirrda Popyrda Popjrda Poperda Popirdaa Ppoirda Popirad Popidra
Rhymes: purdah bursa inertia circa
Meaning of name Popirda is: from the word 'popîrdă' = '1. saucy girl , 2. pole'; Popîrda
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Domains - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Popirda Language: Romanian Meaning: from the word popîrdă = 1. saucy girl , 2. pole Comments: Popîrda |
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