Statistics and meaning of name Poponet

We have no records about Poponet being used as firstname.
Surname Poponet is used at least 45 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.

      Surname Poponet
Given names
Gheorghe Poponet (5)
Vasile Poponet (4)
Iosif Poponet (4)
Simona Poponet (3)
Valentin Poponet (2)
Magdalena Poponet (2)
Matei Poponet (2)
Anatolie Poponet (2)
Ioan Poponet (2)
Stelian Poponet (2)
Aurel Poponet (2)
Nicolai Poponet (2)
Viorica Poponet (1)
Andrea Poponet (1)
Stefan Poponet (1)
Petru Poponet (1)
Lucian Poponet (1)
Ivan Poponet (1)
Eudochia Poponet (1)
Felician Poponet (1)
Lazar Poponet (1)
Margareta Poponet (1)
Alexei Poponet (1)
Olguta Poponet (1)

Surname Poponet in Moldova   

Poponet reversed is Tenopop
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Ppotoen Onpoetp Onoptep Optoenp Toppoen Teonpop
Misspells: Poponeta Ppoonet Poponte Popoent

Rhymes: Monet baronet bayonet coronet met net upset beset

Meaning of name Poponet is: from the word 'poponeţ' = '1. bindweed , 2. diminutive variant of parson , 3. field mouse , 4. bottom' ; see also the toponymic name 'Poponeţi'; Poponeţ
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Thailand Italy Germany India Australia Romania


Old Wiki
Name: Poponet
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the word poponeţ = 1. bindweed , 2. diminutive variant of parson , 3. field mouse , 4. bottom ; see also the toponymic name Poponeţi
Comments: Poponeţ

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