Statistics and meaning of name Porime

We have no records about Porime being used as firstname.
Surname Porime is used at least 107 times in at least 5 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 波里梅 (pinyin: bō lǐ méi)

      Surname Porime
Given names
Gheorghe Porime (10)
Vasile Porime (9)
Ioan Porime (8)
Maria Porime (6)
Rodica Porime (4)
Filon Porime (3)
Victoria Porime (3)
Valer Porime (2)
Ion Porime (2)
Alexandru Porime (2)
Pompei Porime (2)
Romulus Porime (2)
Gherghina Porime (2)
Iuliu Porime (2)
Petru Porime (2)
Angela Porime (2)
Cornelia Porime (2)
Elisabeta Porime (2)
Emil Porime (2)
Floarea Porime (2)
Emilia Porime (2)
Aurel Porime (2)
Viorica Porime (1)
Tiberiu Porime (1)
Amelia Porime (1)
Silvia Porime (1)
Sergiu Porime (1)
Letitia Porime (1)
Gabriela Porime (1)
Costica Porime (1)
Aron Porime (1)
Amalia Porime (1)
Ilarie Porime (1)
Lucian Porime (1)
Nicolae Porime (1)
Minerva Porime (1)
Marioara Porime (1)
Marina Porime (1)
Olimpiu Porime (1)

Porime reversed is Emirop
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Opirem Oriepm Pirmoe Rpomie Orpiem Promei Miepro
Misspells: Polime Porrime Poryme Porjme Poreme Porimea Proime Poriem Pormie

Rhymes: crime grime prime rime valorem pouring boring poring roaring

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Germany Canada Denmark Italy

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