Statistics and meaning of name Porlezza

We have no records about Porlezza being used as firstname.
Surname Porlezza is used at least 34 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 波莱扎 (pinyin: bō lái zā)

      Surname Porlezza
Given names
Carlo Porlezza (3)
Miro Porlezza (3)
Massimo Porlezza (2)
Giovanni Porlezza (2)
Orlando Porlezza (1)
Bruno Porlezza (1)
Giancarlo Porlezza (1)
Sergio Porlezza (1)
Ursula Porlezza (1)
Giuliana Porlezza (1)
Yvonne Porlezza (1)
Viola Porlezza (1)
Louis Porlezza (1)
Giuseppe Porlezza (1)
Fulvio Porlezza (1)
Elisabetta Porlezza (1)
Guerino Porlezza (1)
Samuela Porlezza (1)
Marco Porlezza (1)
Abramo Porlezza (1)
Serge Porlezza (1)
Silvia Porlezza (1)

Surname Porlezza in Italy   Surname Porlezza in Switzerland   

Porlezza reversed is Azzelrop
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Rzoezpal
Misspells: Porlezzo Pollezza Porrlezza Porlezzaa Prolezza Porlezaz

Rhymes: piazza pizza

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Netherlands Switzerland Reunion


Famous people: Carlo Porlezza

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