Statistics and meaning of name Porschke

We have no records about Porschke being used as firstname.
Surname Porschke is used at least 38 times in at least 9 countries.

      Surname Porschke
Given names
Paul Porschke (2)
Zaina Porschke (2)
Marius Porschke (2)
Martin Porschke (2)
Ingrid Porschke (2)
Glenys Porschke (2)
Margaret Porschke (2)
Arne Porschke (1)
Christina Porschke (1)
Magnus Porschke (1)
Peter Porschke (1)
Hildburg Porschke (1)
Mikael Porschke (1)
Britta Porschke (1)
Marian Porschke (1)
Kelly Porschke (1)
Nicola Porschke (1)
Philip Porschke (1)
Kareen Porschke (1)
Malermeister Porschke (1)
Carl Porschke (1)
Brygida Porschke (1)

Surname Porschke in USA   

Porschke reversed is Ekhcsrop
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Misspells: Polschke Porrschke Porsschke Porschkea Proschke Porschek Porsckhe

Rhymes: pork torque porque dork talk

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Germany Switzerland Netherlands Saudi Arabia Brazil


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