Statistics and meaning of name Postrk

We have no records about Postrk being used as firstname.
Surname Postrk is used at least 22 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Postrk
Given names
Milan Postrk (2)
Marian Postrk (2)
Peter Postrk (1)
Stefan Postrk (1)
Miroslav Postrk (1)
Stanislav Postrk (1)
Jozef Postrk (1)
Eduard Postrk (1)
Ivan Postrk (1)
Ladislav Postrk (1)

Surname Postrk in USA   

Postrk reversed is Krtsop
Name contains 6 letters - 16.67% vowels and 83.33% consonants.

Misspells: Postlk Postrrk Posstrk Postrka Psotrk Postkr Posrtk

Rhymes: joke choke poke donc baulk

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Slovakia United Kingdom Germany

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