Statistics and meaning of name Poull

Usage: 8% firstname, 92% surname.
Poull first name was found 6 times in 2 different countries. (USA,UK)
Surname Poull is used at least 66 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Poull
Given names
Georges Poull (3)
Gilbert Poull (2)
Rene Poull (2)
Arnaud Poull (1)
Sergine Poull (1)
Alexandre Poull (1)

Family names
Poull Ibbetson (1)
Poull Ibbertson (1)

Surname Poull in France   Surname Poull in USA   

Poull reversed is Lluop
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Lluop Lpolu Pollu Polul Loulp Puoll
Misspells: Poulla Puoll Polul

Rhymes: Hull Trumbull Tull Woodhull bull cull dull tool pool joule tulle pule

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States New Zealand United Kingdom Indonesia


Writers: Jean Poull, Emmanuel Poulle, François Poulle, Georges Poull, Louise Elizabeth Poull

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