Statistics and meaning of name Prizzon

We have no records about Prizzon being used as firstname.
Surname Prizzon is used at least 271 times in at least 6 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 普里宗 (pinyin: pǔ lǐ zōng)

      Surname Prizzon
Given names
Bruno Prizzon (6)
Mario Prizzon (6)
Paolo Prizzon (5)
Antonio Prizzon (5)
Mauro Prizzon (5)
Fabio Prizzon (4)
Pietro Prizzon (4)
Sergio Prizzon (4)
Roberto Prizzon (4)
Georges Prizzon (3) ...

Surname Prizzon in France   Surname Prizzon in Italy   

Prizzon reversed is Nozzirp
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Anagrams: Zzironp Rinzozp Znizpor Norzizp Zopnirz
Misspells: Plizzon Prrizzon Pryzzon Prjzzon Prezzon Prizzona Pirzzon Prizzno Prizozn

Rhymes: Amazon Luzon Quezon Verizon amazon blazon emblazon begone tenon predawn drawn von

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Italy France Argentina Germany Australia Canada Colombia United Kingdom Brazil


Writers: Paola Prizzon

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