Statistics and meaning of name Radkohl

We have no records about Radkohl being used as firstname.
Surname Radkohl is used at least 30 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Austria)

Given names
Anton Radkohl (3)
Robert Radkohl (2)
Erwin Radkohl (2)
Gertrude Radkohl (2)
Walter Radkohl (2)
Rosa Radkohl (1)
Waltraud Radkohl (1)
Renate Radkohl (1)
Roswitha Radkohl (1)
Rudolf Radkohl (1)
Ute Radkohl (1)
Patrick Radkohl (1)
Simon Radkohl (1)
Josef Radkohl (1)
Gudrun Radkohl (1)
Friedrich Radkohl (1)
Erna Radkohl (1)
Alois Radkohl (1)
Hannes Radkohl (1)
Hermann Radkohl (1)
Marco Radkohl (1)
Petra Radkohl (1)
Johann Radkohl (1)
Maria Radkohl (1)

Surname Radkohl in Austria   

Radkohl reversed is Lhokdar
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Rodkohl Ladkohl Rradkohl Radkohla Rdakohl Radkolh Radkhol

Rhymes: Kohl coal goal patrol parole stroll

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Austria United States France Germany India Liechtenstein


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