Statistics and meaning of name Ragginger

We have no records about Ragginger being used as firstname.
Surname Ragginger is used at least 29 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Ragginger
Given names
Franz Ragginger (5)
Martin Ragginger (3)
Josef Ragginger (2)
Kathe Ragginger (2)
Johann Ragginger (2)
Anton Ragginger (2)
Konrad Ragginger (2)
Zilli Ragginger (1)
Markus Ragginger (1)
Walter Ragginger (1)
Christoph Ragginger (1)
Liselotte Ragginger (1)
Ernestine Ragginger (1)
Felix Ragginger (1)
Agidius Ragginger (1)
Rosalia Ragginger (1)
Ulrike Ragginger (1)

Surname Ragginger in Austria   Surname Ragginger in Germany   

Ragginger reversed is Regniggar
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Misspells: Rogginger Lagginger Rragginger Raggynger Raggjnger Raggenger Raggingera Rgaginger Raggingre Ragginegr

Rhymes: Dillinger Ginger Kissinger Preminger Salinger Schlesinger Schrödinger harbinger bargainer ravisher chronicler moniker

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Austria Switzerland United States Germany Bolivia India Hungary


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