Statistics and meaning of name Rakotondrazafy

We have no records about Rakotondrazafy being used as firstname.
Surname Rakotondrazafy is used at least 10 times in at least 1 countries. (France)

Given names
Josyane Rakotondrazafy (1)
Christian Rakotondrazafy (1)
Vola Rakotondrazafy (1)
Bakolinirina Rakotondrazafy (1)
Nadia Rakotondrazafy (1)
Elie Rakotondrazafy (1)
Falihery Rakotondrazafy (1)
Mylene Rakotondrazafy (1)
Pierrot Rakotondrazafy (1)

Surname Rakotondrazafy in France   

Rakotondrazafy reversed is Yfazardnotokar
Name contains 14 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Misspells: Rokotondrazafy Lakotondrazafy Rrakotondrazafy Rakotondrazafi Rakotondrazafya Rkaotondrazafy Rakotondrazayf Rakotondrazfay

Rhymes: leafy monarchy

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: France United States Madagascar Canada Australia

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