Statistics and meaning of name Rangla

We have no records about Rangla being used as firstname.
Surname Rangla is used at least 23 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Rangla
Given names
Harmesh Rangla (2)
Manjit Rangla (2)
Rajinder Rangla (2)
Satwinder Rangla (2)
Daniel Rangla (1)
Joel Rangla (1)
Murielle Rangla (1)
Louis Rangla (1)
Veena Rangla (1)
Claude Rangla (1)
Pamlah Rangla (1)
Ashok Rangla (1)
Balvinder Rangla (1)
Krishna Rangla (1)
Kulvinder Rangla (1)
Ahsok Rangla (1)

Surname Rangla in France   

Rangla reversed is Algnar
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Angarl Nralga Rnalag Lgarna
Misspells: Rongla Langla Rrangla Ranglaa Rnagla Rangal Ranlga

Rhymes: ala data beta gratia mesa

Meaning of name Rangla is: Variant form of Rangela
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom India Reunion Saudi Arabia Norway Europe Germany Vietnam Iraq


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