Statistics and meaning of name Raviotta

We have no records about Raviotta being used as firstname.
Surname Raviotta is used at least 40 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 拉维奥塔 (pinyin: lā wéi ào tǎ)

      Surname Raviotta
Given names
Calogero Raviotta (2)
Agnese Raviotta (2)
Salvatore Raviotta (1)
Nino Raviotta (1)
Santa Raviotta (1)
Melchiorre Raviotta (1)
Giuseppa Raviotta (1)
Antonino Raviotta (1)
Alberto Raviotta (1)
Giuseppe Raviotta (1)

Surname Raviotta in Italy   Surname Raviotta in USA   

Raviotta reversed is Attoivar
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Tavatiro Tarvitao Vtaotrai Torivtaa
Misspells: Roviotta Laviotta Rraviotta Ravyotta Rabiotta Ravjotta Raveotta Raviottaa Rvaiotta Raviotat

Rhymes: gotta ricotta Beretta Calcutta Concetta Etta Henrietta quota proto iota rota scrota

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Italy Israel

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