Statistics and meaning of name Razoare
We have no records about Razoare being used as firstname.
Surname Razoare is used at least 54 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,UK)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Ioan Razoare (11) Luca Razoare (7) Achim Razoare (6) Vasile Razoare (4) Maria Razoare (3) Viorel Razoare (2) Raluca Razoare (2) Ralaghia Razoare (2) Silvia Razoare (2) Elena Razoare (2) Ana Razoare (2) Cornelia Razoare (1) Virel Razoare (1) Adelina Razoare (1) |
Razoare reversed is Eraozar
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.
Anagrams: Oazarer Raozear Azeorar Aezorra Earzora Eraazor Rearoza Orrezaa
Misspells: Rozoare Lazoare Rrazoare Razoarea Rzaoare Razoaer Razorae
Rhymes: Clare Dare Delaware Harare Medicare Shakespeare Tupperware rissole whole soul hole sole
Meaning of name Razoare is: from the word 'răzoară' = '1. boundary , 2. flower bed' ; see also the toponymic name 'Răzoarele'; Răzoare
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Domains - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Razoare Language: Romanian Meaning: from the word răzoară = 1. boundary , 2. flower bed ; see also the toponymic name Răzoarele Comments: Răzoare |
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