Statistics and meaning of name Regatschnig

We have no records about Regatschnig being used as firstname.
Surname Regatschnig is used at least 18 times in at least 1 countries. (Austria)

Given names
Horst Regatschnig (2)
Walter Regatschnig (2)
Manfred Regatschnig (1)
Katharina Regatschnig (1)
Rainer Regatschnig (1)
Susanne Regatschnig (1)
Jutta Regatschnig (1)
Markus Regatschnig (1)
Johann Regatschnig (1)
Elfriede Regatschnig (1)
Daniela Regatschnig (1)
Emil Regatschnig (1)
Herbert Regatschnig (1)
Hermann Regatschnig (1)
Bernd Regatschnig (1)

Surname Regatschnig in Austria   

Regatschnig reversed is Ginhcstager
Name contains 11 letters - 27.27% vowels and 72.73% consonants.

Anagrams: Rgitcasheng
Misspells: Regotschnig Legatschnig Rregatschnig Regatsschnig Regatschnyg Regatschnjg Regatschneg Regatschniga Rgeatschnig Regatschngi Regatsching

Rhymes: dramatic hepatic aromatic dogmatic pragmatic

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Austria Germany France


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