Statistics and meaning of name Reibestein

We have no records about Reibestein being used as firstname.
Surname Reibestein is used at least 53 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Reibestein
Given names
Helmut Reibestein (2)
Martha Reibestein (1)
Manfred Reibestein (1)
Matthias Reibestein (1)
Olaf Reibestein (1)
Sigrid Reibestein (1)
Rosa Reibestein (1)
Larah Reibestein (1)
Irmgard Reibestein (1)
Charlotte Reibestein (1)
Bernd Reibestein (1)
Ellen Reibestein (1)
Heinz Reibestein (1)
Horst Reibestein (1)
Alexandra Reibestein (1)

Surname Reibestein in Germany   Surname Reibestein in USA   

Reibestein reversed is Nietsebier
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Betriseine Iseenrebit Beirineest Seitirbeen
Misspells: Leibestein Rreibestein Reibesstein Reybestein Rejbestein Reebestein Reibesteina Riebestein Reibesteni Reibestien

Rhymes: Bernstein Einstein Eisenstein Epstein Frankenstein Hammerstein Holstein ten den pen ben demesne

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Onno Reibestein says: The name Reibestein is a Germanic name and consists two words reibe and stein. reibe means rubbing and stein means stone. If you look deeper in the history of the family you find that they were millers. and the rub stone was part of the milling installation.
Onno Reibestein says: Reibestein is a Germanic name. It consists of two words 'reibe' and ' stein'. reibe means rubbing and stein means stone. If you look at the early history of the family, before 1700, you find they were millers. The rub stone was part of the milling installation.

This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States Netherlands Thailand Austria Hungary Argentina Italy


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