Statistics and meaning of name Reinmund

Usage: 32% firstname, 68% surname.
Reinmund first name was found 20 times in 4 different countries.
Surname Reinmund is used at least 41 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,France)

Given names
Philippe Reinmund (1)

Given name Reinmund
Family names
Reinmund Szameitat (1)
Reinmund Schwampe (1)
Reinmund Schmidtberger (1)
Reinmund Thanner (1)
Reinmund Wich (1)
Reinmund Hovda (1)
Reinmund Wolff (1)
Reinmund Rieder (1)
Reinmund Piepho (1)
Reinmund Bauer (1)
Reinmund Anton (1)
Reinmund Anhut (1)
Reinmund Bermel (1)
Reinmund Dangel (1)
Reinmund Olear (1)
Reinmund Grimm (1)
Reinmund Reiterer (1)

Surname Reinmund in USA   

Reinmund reversed is Dnumnier
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Ninumedr Nerinudm Dmeinrun
Misspells: Leinmund Rreinmund Reynmund Rejnmund Reenmund Reinmunda Rienmund Reinmudn Reinmnud

Rhymes: Dortmund Edmund Sigismund Sigmund reasoned rezoned weakened yielded deepened

Meaning of name Reinmund is: German younger form of Raginmund
This page has been visited from the following countries: France United States Germany Netherlands Denmark Canada United Kingdom Hungary


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