Statistics and meaning of name Repida
We have no records about Repida being used as firstname.
Surname Repida is used at least 65 times in at least 3 countries.
Given names
Olga Repida (3) Ion Repida (3) Veaceslav Repida (2) Nicolae Repida (2) Iurie Repida (2) Natalia Repida (1) Tudor Repida (1) Vladimir Repida (1) Victor Repida (1) Mihail Repida (1) Lucheria Repida (1) Domnica Repida (1) Constantin Repida (1) Boris Repida (1) Elena Repida (1) Lidia Repida (1) Alexandru Repida (1) Liudmila Repida (1) Maia Repida (1) |
Repida reversed is Adiper
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Eripad Epiard Ripdea Predia Epriad Rpedai Diarpe
Misspells: Repido Lepida Rrepida Repyda Repjda Repeda Repidaa Rpeida Repiad Repdia
Rhymes: Aida Derrida Florida Freida Lollobrigida Oneida pitta excreta flotilla chinchilla scintilla
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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Writers: L. E. Repida
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