Statistics and meaning of name Rewi

Usage: 43% firstname, 57% surname.
Rewi first name was found 39 times in 8 different countries.
Surname Rewi is used at least 51 times in at least 6 countries.
Gender of firstname Rewi is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 雷维 (pinyin: léi wéi)

      Surname Rewi
Given names
Kelly Rewi (2)
Rosaline Rewi (1)
Leilani Rewi (1)
Chantal Rewi (1)

Given name Rewi
Family names
Rewi Newnham (1)
Rewi Sears (1)

Surname Rewi in USA   

Rewi reversed is Iwer
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Reiw Rwei Ewir Irwe Riwe Iwer Iewr Ewri
Misspells: Lewi Rrewi Rewy Revvi Rewj Rewe Rewia Rwei Reiw

Rhymes: Loewi viii xviii xxviii xxxviii iii

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Rewinside says: Mein lieblings youtuber heisst rewi
Rewi says: Der Name Rewi bedeutet der Neugierige, der Wandernde bzw. Der Interessierte

This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany Netherlands United States Belgium Switzerland Austria United Kingdom Australia Italy Poland Thailand Jordan Spain Ukraine


Writers: Greg Rewis, Poia Rewi, Rewi Alley, Adrienne Rewi

Books: "Rewi Alley an Autobiography" "Rewi Alley: A Collection in Memory" "Rewi Alley of China" "REWI ALLEY OF CHINA." "The book of Rewi: a Utopian tale"

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