Statistics and meaning of name Rexwinkel

We have no records about Rexwinkel being used as firstname.
Surname Rexwinkel is used at least 90 times in at least 6 countries.

      Surname Rexwinkel
Given names
Jean Rexwinkel (2)
Anna Rexwinkel (2)
Helen Rexwinkel (2)
Peter Rexwinkel (2)
Gerald Rexwinkel (1)
Gerhard Rexwinkel (1)
Rene Rexwinkel (1)
Wolfgang Rexwinkel (1)
Ernst Rexwinkel (1)
Anke Rexwinkel (1)
Hendrik Rexwinkel (1)
Johannes Rexwinkel (1)
Dedo Rexwinkel (1)
Dennis Rexwinkel (1)

Surname Rexwinkel in Germany   Surname Rexwinkel in USA   

Rexwinkel reversed is Lekniwxer
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Misspells: Lexwinkel Rrexwinkel Rexwynkel Rexvvinkel Rexwjnkel Rexwenkel Rexwinkela Rxewinkel Rexwinkle Rexwinekl

Rhymes: Frankel Garfunkel Wankel Terkel twinkle crinkle winkle sprinkle tinkle

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Rexwinkel says: Rexwinkel: Rex = king(dutch =koning) Winkel = (old German) hoek means kingscorner (Eng) koningshoek (dutch) Name original from Holland (Twente/Achterhoek) rounded Varseveld

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