Statistics and meaning of name Rezelman

Usage: 7% firstname, 93% surname.
Rezelman first name was found 2 times in 2 different countries. (USA,Netherlands)
Surname Rezelman is used at least 25 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Rezelman
Given names
Ryanne Rezelman (2)
Josette Rezelman (1)
Philippe Rezelman (1)
Florent Rezelman (1)
Fabrice Rezelman (1)
Alain Rezelman (1)
Yannick Rezelman (1)
Florence Rezelman (1)

Surname Rezelman in France   Surname Rezelman in USA   

Rezelman reversed is Namlezer
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Erzenlam Azemlenr Lezarenm Nlezarme Zmelarne
Misspells: Rezelmon Lezelman Rrezelman Rezelmana Rzeelman Rezelmna Rezelamn

Rhymes: Perelman Hellman Holman Pullman Tillman councilman revulsion summon repulsion sullen sultan

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Dirk C Rezelman says: Count de Rezel, Loire Valley, Huguenot, fled to Holland at revocation of Edict of Nantes, late 1600's.Name eventually morphed to Rezelman, landed gentry in North Holland, around towns of Nieuwe Nieudorp,Winkel. Emigration in family groups to North America and South Africa. One branch returned to France famous 70-year old blind artist is Jean-Michel Rezelman, of Montmoray.
dirk rezelman says: rezelman is dutch name via French comte de rezel, Huguenot, branch in so Africa from netherlands
Dirk Rezelman says: Name Rezelman: Ancestors were whalers and candle-makers dealing in blubber/fat=reusel (Dutch)=reuselman(n)Vowel-shift in Germanic dialects led to Rezelman with variations in spelling. Most today in USA, Netherlands and South Africa, mostly Protestant; teachers,academics,business consultants.October 2016, Mtunzini, South Africa

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