Statistics and meaning of name Rhema

Usage: 75% firstname, 25% surname.
Rhema first name was found 197 times in 14 different countries.
Surname Rhema is used at least 64 times in at least 11 countries.
Gender of firstname Rhema is 66% feminine and 34% masculine.

      Surname Rhema
Given names
Jean Rhema (2)
Clive Rhema (2)
Nti Rhema (1)
Immanuel Rhema (1)
Elizabeth Rhema (1)

Given name Rhema
Family names
Rhema Ezennaya (2)
Rhema Azodoh (2)
Rhema Adedapo (1)
Rhema Nuckchady (1)
Rhema Unachukwu (1)
Rhema Murthen (1)
Rhema Esemuze (1)
Rhema Nti (1)
Rhema Dillion (1)
Rhema Mooneeram (1)

Surname Rhema in USA   

Rhema reversed is Amehr
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Rheam Maehr Ahemr Ehmar Reham
Misspells: Rhemo Lhema Rrhema Rhemaa Rehma Rheam Rhmea

Rhymes: anathema schema Ngaliema Noxzema cinema eczema

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France United Kingdom Germany Netherlands Nigeria Canada Thailand Hong Kong South Africa Switzerland Australia New Zealand Belgium Zambia


Famous people: Rhema Marvanne, Rhema Obed

Writers: Dan Rhema

Books: "Rhema Study Bible"

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