Statistics and meaning of name Rieko

Usage: 91% firstname, 9% surname.
Rieko first name was found 554 times in 20 different countries.
Surname Rieko is used at least 53 times in at least 5 countries.
Gender of firstname Rieko is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 里枝子 (pinyin: lǐ zhī zǐ)

      Surname Rieko

Given name Rieko
Family names
Rieko Hagiwara (2)
Rieko Takahashi (2)
Rieko Eriksen (1)
Rieko Stolper (1)
Rieko Siem (1)
Rieko Godoy (1)
Rieko Klingstedt (1)
Rieko Onizuka (1)
Rieko Rizzi (1)
Rieko Huber (1)
Rieko Solberg (1)
Rieko Saito (1)
Rieko Shinohara (1)
Rieko Ando (1)
Rieko Dalhuisen (1)
Rieko Mishikawa (1)
Rieko Murai (1)
Rieko Nakazawa (1)
Rieko Hards (1)
Rieko Kitaguchi (1)
Rieko Gurney (1)
Rieko Okada (1)
Rieko Nagai (1)
Rieko Inagaki (1)

Surname Rieko in USA   

Rieko reversed is Okeir
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ikroe Orike Rikoe Rikeo Eikor
Misspells: Lieko Rrieko Ryeko Rjeko Reeko Riekoa Reiko Rieok Rikeo

Rhymes: physico amigo eco lino lido

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Japan Germany Switzerland United Kingdom Poland Thailand Mexico Russian Federation Canada Philippines Greece Spain Malaysia Kuwait New Zealand Australia Sweden Netherlands Hong Kong Czech Republic Brazil Argentina


Famous people: Rieko Miura, Rieko Kodama , Rieko Matsuura

Writers: Matsuura Rieko, Rieko Ohara, Rieko Washizawa, Rieko Matsuura, Rieko Kage, Rieko Karatani, Rieko Nakagawa, Rieko Togawa

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