Statistics and meaning of name Rienstra

Usage: 5% firstname, 95% surname.
Rienstra first name was found 28 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Rienstra is used at least 488 times in at least 9 countries.

      Surname Rienstra
Given names
Staphen Rienstra (1)
Stephan Rienstra (1)
Hendrik Rienstra (1)
Lourens Rienstra (1)
Sanne Rienstra (1)
Margaret Rienstra (1)
Mike Rienstra (1)
Allan Rienstra (1)
Linda Rienstra (1)
Chris Rienstra (1)

Surname Rienstra in Netherlands   Surname Rienstra in USA   

Rienstra reversed is Artsneir
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Rirentas
Misspells: Rienstro Lienstra Rrienstra Riensstra Ryenstra Rjenstra Reenstra Rienstraa Reinstra Rienstar Riensrta

Rhymes: Clytemnestra Dijkstra orchestra rostra signora arena meta urethra vena

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Rick Rienstra says: Verwijst naar een klein dorpje in Friesland, Rien. Uitgesproken als "rieian" of zoiets. Oorspronkelijk een 'Rienster' Oftewel iemand wonende in Rien.
Loes Rienstra says: Rienstra means: originating from Rien. Rien is a small village in Friesland, The Netherlands. Hope this will help!
Mr Rienstra says: Addition to the meaning of "Rienstra" as already mentioned by Loes; "Rien" is indeed a place in the north of the Netherlands. However the name of this town Rien originates from a waterway that ended up in the Norht Sea / Wadden-Sea and was called "Rien" meaning; "to move, flow, run" (flowing/running water). The settlement "Rien" build on a mound close to that waterway was named differently over the years; In the year 1519 the town that s currently named "Rien" has been found as "Reensterzyl" where also a farm was located with more or less the same name; in the year 1529 the farm was named "Rienstere Sate" and in 1554 "Reens Sate". The settlement was designated as "Reen" and in 1534 also as "Rien". On the maps of 1664, around 1700 and 1823 it was "Reen" but after 1850 mostly "Rien". Because Napoleon Bonaparte made Surnames mandatory in 1811, I would assume the name "Rien" origionates from "running water". There were however also surnames before Napoleon so the name might be older. The waterway "Rijn" for example origionates from the same. eg. Rembrand van Rijn; the Dutch Painter. I assume that the name "Rienstra" origionates from Frisian waterways called "Rien" and not the waterway "Rijn" which has more German/Swiss/Austrua roots; Rhine and Rhône. There are still quite some waterways called "Rien" in Friesland, like the References: Wiede Rien ( Rien (settlement): Rijn:

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Famous people: John William Rienstra

Writers: Debra Rienstra, Ron Rienstra, M. Howard Rienstra, Ellen Walker Rienstra, Paul Rienstra-Munnicha, Marchiene Vroon Rienstra, Phillis Rienstra Jeffrey, S. W. Rienstra, Sytze A. Rienstra

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