Statistics and meaning of name Rink

Usage: 4% firstname, 96% surname.
Rink first name was found 248 times in 12 different countries.
Surname Rink is used at least 5517 times in at least 29 countries.
Gender of firstname Rink is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 林克 (pinyin: lín kè)

      Surname Rink
Given names
Michael Rink (26)
Werner Rink (23)
Peter Rink (23)
Klaus Rink (22)
Thomas Rink (20)
Manfred Rink (19)
Walter Rink (19)
Wolfgang Rink (19)
Gerhard Rink (18)
Andreas Rink (17)
Helmut Rink (17)
Heinz Rink (17)
Dieter Rink (15)
Stefan Rink (14)
Herbert Rink (13)
Karl Rink (13)
Hans Rink (13)
Heinrich Rink (12)
Alfred Rink (12)
Norbert Rink (12)
Paul Rink (11)
Rolf Rink (10)
Kurt Rink (10)
Ursula Rink (10)
Hartmut Rink (10)
Martin Rink (10)
Bernd Rink (9)
Erwin Rink (9)
Erich Rink (9)
John Rink (9)
Hubert Rink (8)
Horst Rink (8)
Richard Rink (8)
Roland Rink (8)
Siegfried Rink (8)
Joachim Rink (8)
Markus Rink (8)
Wilfried Rink (8)
Helga Rink (7)
Petra Rink (7)
Eberhard Rink (7)
Otto Rink (7)
Hermann Rink (7)
Christopher Rink (7)
Hannelore Rink (7)
Reinhard Rink (7)
Matthias Rink (7)
Jerzy Rink (7)
Franz Rink (6)
Georg Rink (6)
Rene Rink (6)
Renate Rink (6)
Johann Rink (6)
Anna Rink (6)
Stephan Rink (6)
Jan Rink (6)
Alexander Rink (6)
Uwe Rink (6)
Christian Rink (6)
Anneliese Rink (6)
Irmgard Rink (6)
Reinhold Rink (6)
Gisela Rink (6)
Thorsten Rink (6)
Robert Rink (6)
Rainer Rink (6)
Lothar Rink (6)
Harald Rink (5)
Johannes Rink (5)
Ewald Rink (5)
Sonja Rink (5)
Marianne Rink (5)
Claudia Rink (5)
Maria Rink (5)
Jutta Rink (5)
Heidi Rink (5)
Waldemar Rink (5)
Reiner Rink (5)
Ulrich Rink (5)
Albert Rink (5)
Oliver Rink (5)
Barbara Rink (5)
Friedrich Rink (5)
Ingrid Rink (5)
Torsten Rink (5)
Sabine Rink (5)
Elisabeth Rink (5)
Udo Rink (5)
Gerda Rink (5)
Christoph Rink (5)
Karlheinz Rink (5)
Gabriele Rink (5)
Ralf Rink (4)
Heiko Rink (4)
Ernst Rink (4)
Nadine Rink (4)
Elke Rink (4)
Ludwig Rink (4)
Hildegard Rink (4)
Kerstin Rink (4)
Josef Rink (4)
Konrad Rink (4)
Lieselotte Rink (4)
Volker Rink (4)
Christiane Rink (4)
Simone Rink (4)
Steffen Rink (4)
Adolf Rink (4)
Marion Rink (4)
Sandra Rink (4)
Beate Rink (4)
Christa Rink (4)
Bernhard Rink (4)
Rudolf Rink (4)
Teresa Rink (4)
Silvia Rink (4)
Adrian Rink (4)
Anja Rink (4)
Winfried Rink (4)
Krystyna Rink (4)
Pawel Rink (4)
Piotr Rink (3)
Dietmar Rink (3)
Daniela Rink (3)
Rita Rink (3)
Carmen Rink (3)
Regina Rink (3)
Ingo Rink (3)
Antje Rink (3)
Susanne Rink (3)
Ronny Rink (3)
Fred Rink (3)
Alfons Rink (3)
Andrea Rink (3)
Heribert Rink (3)
Annemarie Rink (3)
Katharina Rink (3)
Sebastian Rink (3)
Edith Rink (3)
Eugen Rink (3)
Erika Rink (3)
Erhard Rink (3)
Michaela Rink (3)
Martha Rink (3)
Gerd Rink (3)
Gottfried Rink (3)
Jack Rink (3)
Harry Rink (3)
Heike Rink (3)
Emil Rink (3)
Edmund Rink (3)
Theo Rink (3)
Olga Rink (3)
Elfriede Rink (3)
Heini Rink (3)
Frank Rink (3)
Judith Rink (3)
Doris Rink (3)
Ina Rink (3)
Max Rink (3)
Monika Rink (3)
James Rink (3)
Eva Rink (3)
Wolfram Rink (3)
Karen Rink (3)
Willi Rink (3)
Wilhelm Rink (3)
Brigitte Rink (3)
Waltraud Rink (3)
Jens Rink (3)
Karin Rink (3)
Arnold Rink (3)
Monica Rink (3)
Mark Rink (2)
Stanislaw Rink (2)
Magdalena Rink (2)
Gudrun Rink (2)
Philipp Rink (2)
Wieslawa Rink (2)
Dorothee Rink (2)
Marlene Rink (2)
Garry Rink (2)
Detlef Rink (2)
Tom Rink (2)
Kazimierz Rink (2)
Carsten Rink (2)
Jozef Rink (2)
Anton Rink (2)
Christof Rink (2)
Edeltraud Rink (2)
Holger Rink (2)
Konstanze Rink (2)
Deborah Rink (2)
Patrick Rink (2)
Norman Rink (2)
Johanna Rink (2)
Alex Rink (2)
Ulrike Rink (2)
Nina Rink (2)
Florian Rink (2)

Given name Rink
Family names
Rink Curling (9)
Rink Gorter (2)
Rink Wiggers (1)
Rink Schoofs (1)
Rink Groenveld (1)
Rink Christina (1)
Rink Fred (1)
Rink Veenstra (1)
Rink Steffen (1)
Rink Goodsoil (1)
Rink Lenore (1)
Rink Letellier (1)
Rink Hammond (1)
Rink Trenton (1)
Rink Vonda (1)
Rink Frobisher (1)
Rink Fiske (1)

Surname Rink in Austria   Surname Rink in France   Surname Rink in Germany   Surname Rink in Italy   Surname Rink in Poland   
Surname Rink in Switzerland   Surname Rink in USA   

Rink reversed is Knir
Name contains 4 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Rikn Rnik Knir Kinr
Misspells: Link Rrink Rynk Rjnk Renk Rinka Rnik Rikn

Rhymes: bethink blink bobolink brink chink clink countersink link think d pink

Meaning of name Rink is: Old Danish form of RinkR

Tobias Rink says: Spangenmacher, Gürtelschnallen
rink sandt says: In The Netherlands the name Rink is from the northern Frysian people. The part ink means "descendant from"

This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States Netherlands Austria United Kingdom France Poland Luxembourg Switzerland Spain Canada Malaysia Sweden Hungary Russian Federation Thailand India Europe South Africa Slovenia


Famous people: Paulo Roberto Rink, Eucharius Gottlieb Rink

Writers: Bjarke Rink, Paul Rink, Dorothee Rinke, andrea Rinke, Esther Rinke, Bernhard Rinke, Moritz Rinke, Robin Rinke, Martina Rink, Jack Rink, Hanno Rink, John Rink, Marco Rink, Rinke Doornekamp, L. Rink, Klaus Rinke, Philip Rink, Judith Rink, Alice Rink, Deborah Rink

Books: "The skating rink" "Lords of the Rink" "Lechts oder rinks" "The rink: a new musical" "Poems From The Southend Of The Rink" "Brady Brady And the Great Rink"

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