Statistics and meaning of name Rossteuscher

We have no records about Rossteuscher being used as firstname.
Surname Rossteuscher is used at least 16 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Rossteuscher
Given names
Sonja Rossteuscher (1)
Martin Rossteuscher (1)
Hans Rossteuscher (1)
Elfriede Rossteuscher (1)
Walter Rossteuscher (1)

Surname Rossteuscher in USA   

Rossteuscher reversed is Rehcsuetssor
Name contains 12 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Sorteressuhc
Misspells: Lossteuscher Rrossteuscher Rosssteuscher Rossteuschera Rsosteuscher Rossteuschre Rossteuscehr

Rhymes: Escher Fischer Fleischer Beecher Blucher Durocher choicer spoiler despoiler boiler destroyer

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Walter Rossteuscher says: Rossteuscher , translated from german into english means HORSECHANGER . The family originally came from Breslau, eastern Germany, now Poland. They had between 1100 and 1600 the imperial privilege to maintain inns to change horses for the imperial courier service . if somebodey has a different idea, please contact me : Walter Rossteuscher , mailto

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