Statistics and meaning of name Rottberger

We have no records about Rottberger being used as firstname.
Surname Rottberger is used at least 4 times in at least 1 countries. (Austria)

Given names
Helmut Rottberger (2)
Veronika Rottberger (1)
Josef Rottberger (1)

Rottberger reversed is Regrebttor
Name contains 10 letters - 30.00% vowels and 70.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Rtertobegr
Misspells: Lottberger Rrottberger Rottbergera Rtotberger Rottbergre Rottberegr

Rhymes: Berger merger Burger Limburger Luxembourger beefburger somberer totterer conqueror charterer barterer

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Linguistic Commentator says: Rottberger means someone from the town of Rottberg, Sweden. The name migrated from Scandinavia southward to Germany, and elsewhere. Root name (the town in Sweden) of Rottberg is also seen as a surname in Sweden & Germany, and elsewhere.
Linguistic Commentator says: Correction to previous comment sent : Rottberger is a German name that means someone whose family was originally from Rotberg Sweden. In the previous comment I misspelled the Swedish name for the town, making it spelled with 2 t's -- but the Swedish only has 1 t in it. The German form has 2 t's. The Swedish name Rotberg migrated southward to Germany & elsewhere.
Linguistic Commentator says: Addendum to previously-submitted comment : To fine-tune what I previously had said, Rotberg is not actually a city or town, but a small village and mountain peak near the town of Malung, Sweden -- which is northwest of Stockholm nearer to the Norwegian border. It is actually closer to Oslo, Norway than it is to Stockholm, Sweden.
Linguistic Commentator says: Alternate origins of the name might be meaning people whose family lines were descended originally from the inhabitants of the mountain village called Rotberg in Bavaria, Germany, or the mountain village of the same name in Italy.

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