Statistics and meaning of name Rotund

We have no records about Rotund being used as firstname.
Surname Rotund is used at least 58 times in at least 5 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.

      Surname Rotund
Given names
Vasile Rotund (6)
Ioan Rotund (4)
Maria Rotund (4)
Aurel Rotund (3)
Nicolae Rotund (2)
Ionel Rotund (2)
Hermina Rotund (2)
Eugen Rotund (2)
Ovidiu Rotund (2)
Viorica Rotund (2)
Venera Rotund (2)
Toader Rotund (1)
Cristian Rotund (1)
Lidia Rotund (1)
Iuliu Rotund (1)
Aurelia Rotund (1)
Ana Rotund (1)
Elvira Rotund (1)
Emilia Rotund (1)
Olivia Rotund (1)
Alexandrina Rotund (1)
Onoriu Rotund (1)

Rotund reversed is Dnutor
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Rutnod Tronud Otrudn Rtondu
Misspells: Lotund Rrotund Rotunda Rtound Rotudn Rotnud

Rhymes: orotund Dortmund Edmund Pound Sensurround Sigismund stunned refund fund shunned gunned

Meaning of name Rotund is: from the word 'rotund' = '1. round , 2. spheric' ; see also the toponymic name 'Rotundul'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Thailand United Kingdom Australia Romania United Arab Emirates Switzerland


Old Wiki
Name: Rotund
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the word rotund = 1. round , 2. spheric ; see also the toponymic name Rotundul

Writers: Nicolae Rotund

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