Statistics and meaning of name Roupell

We have no records about Roupell being used as firstname.
Surname Roupell is used at least 31 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 鲁佩尔 (pinyin: lǔ pèi ěr)

      Surname Roupell
Given names
Alexander Roupell (3)
Antonia Roupell (3)
Heather Roupell (2)
Louisa Roupell (2)
Rachel Roupell (2)
Timothy Roupell (2)
Harriet Roupell (2)
Arabella Roupell (1)
Sasha Roupell (1)
Tim Roupell (1)
Anthony Roupell (1)
Bridget Roupell (1)
Joss Roupell (1)
Christopher Roupell (1)
Caroline Roupell (1)
Joscelyn Roupell (1)
Griselda Roupell (1)

Roupell reversed is Llepuor
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Ropulel Loruple Llerpuo
Misspells: Loupell Rroupell Roupella Ruopell Rouplel

Rhymes: Aspell Ispell misspell respell spell pupil pupal duple scruple quadruple

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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Writers: Tim Roupell

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