Statistics and meaning of name Ruaraidh

Ruaraidh first name was found 25 times in 3 different countries.
We didn't find anyone with surname Ruaraidh.
Origin of this name is Gaelic.
Gender of firstname Ruaraidh is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.


Given name Ruaraidh
Family names
Ruaraidh Sanachan (2)
Ruaraidh Bellew (2)
Ruaraidh Maclean (1)
Ruaraidh Mackay (1)
Ruaraidh Mcpike (1)
Ruaraidh Mcritchie (1)
Ruaraidh Sneaton (1)
Ruaraidh Sim (1)
Ruaraidh Macisaac (1)
Ruaraidh Maceachin (1)
Ruaraidh Disher (1)
Ruaraidh Buckenham (1)
Ruaraidh Wiggin (1)
Ruaraidh Macniven (1)
Ruaraidh Norsworthy (1)
Ruaraidh Macleod (1)
Ruaraidh Smeaton (1)

Ruaraidh reversed is Hdiaraur
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Rrauhadi Duahirra Riaradhu Durariha Iarraduh
Misspells: Ruoraidh Luaraidh Rruaraidh Ruaraydh Ruarajdh Ruaraedh Ruaraidha Rauraidh Ruaraihd Ruaradih

Rhymes: trade laid played afraid grade

Meaning of name Ruaraidh is: Red king
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Hong Kong Australia Thailand Sweden New Zealand Germany Poland France Gibraltar


Writers: Ruaraidh MacThómais

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