Statistics and meaning of name Rumeo

We have no records about Rumeo being used as firstname.
Surname Rumeo is used at least 80 times in at least 6 countries.

      Surname Rumeo
Given names
Giuseppe Rumeo (6)
Calogero Rumeo (4)
Angelo Rumeo (3)
Giovanni Rumeo (2)
Salvatore Rumeo (2)
Diego Rumeo (2)
Vincenzo Rumeo (2)
Angela Rumeo (2)
Vincenza Rumeo (1)
Olga Rumeo (1)
Lucien Rumeo (1)
Graziano Rumeo (1)
Orazio Rumeo (1)
Luciano Rumeo (1)
Alessandro Rumeo (1)
Sam Rumeo (1)
Annamaria Rumeo (1)
Casimiro Rumeo (1)
Massimiliano Rumeo (1)
Maria Rumeo (1)
Michele Rumeo (1)

Surname Rumeo in Italy   Surname Rumeo in USA   

Rumeo reversed is Oemur
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Rumoe Uerom Eomur Oruem Ruemo Oumer
Misspells: Lumeo Rrumeo Rumeoa Rmueo Rumoe Ruemo

Rhymes: Romeo cameo romeo ratio radio rodeo

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Canada Italy France Belgium Brazil Europe Germany United Kingdom Hungary Mexico


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