Statistics and meaning of name Ruwona
We have no records about Ruwona being used as firstname.
Surname Ruwona is used at least 32 times in at least 3 countries.
Given names
David Ruwona (5) Josephine Ruwona (2) Tinashe Ruwona (2) Willie Ruwona (2) John Ruwona (2) Linda Ruwona (2) Fananders Ruwona (2) Tapiwa Ruwona (1) Phiona Ruwona (1) Tendai Ruwona (1) Tendavi Ruwona (1) Edith Ruwona (1) Paul Ruwona (1) Patricia Ruwona (1) Lawrence Ruwona (1) Katherina Ruwona (1) Chiwoniso Ruwona (1) Naomi Ruwona (1) Naume Ruwona (1) Heriet Ruwona (1) |
Ruwona reversed is Anowur
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Urowan Uwoarn Rownua Wrunoa Uwroan Rwunao Noarwu
Misspells: Ruwono Luwona Rruwona Ruvvona Ruwonaa Rwuona Ruwoan Ruwnoa
Rhymes: Arizona Barcelona Desdemona Dona Fiona Leona Mona gonna wanna nirvana iguana marijuana
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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