Statistics and meaning of name Ruzo
Usage: 7% firstname, 93% surname.
Ruzo first name was found 10 times in 9 different countries.
Surname Ruzo is used at least 116 times in at least 7 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 鲁索 (pinyin: lǔ suǒ)
Given names
Jose Ruzo (5) Jesus Ruzo (4) Manuel Ruzo (3) Maria Ruzo (3) Miguel Ruzo (1) Ramon Ruzo (1) Teresa Ruzo (1) Ricardo Ruzo (1) Pablo Ruzo (1) Julia Ruzo (1) Gloria Ruzo (1) Casimiro Ruzo (1) Indalecio Ruzo (1) Javier Ruzo (1) Ana Ruzo (1) Andres Ruzo (1) |
Family names Ruzo Tomicic (1) Ruzo Marinovic (1) Ruzo Rubilar (1) Ruzo Gabric (1) Ruzo Borac (1) |
Ruzo reversed is Ozur
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Ruoz Rzuo Uzor Orzu Rozu Ozur Ouzr Uzro
Misspells: Luzo Rruzo Ruzoa Rzuo Ruoz
Rhymes: Puzo ouzo whoso euro pseudo duo
Meaning of name Ruzo is: var of Rus
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